Postpartum Support

Postpartum Doula

As a postpartum doula Kirsten’s main focus is on helping everyone in the newly formed family get as much rest as possible. Being well rested helps new parents fully enjoy their newborn and focus on spending time with their newly expanded family. Kirsten does not offer sleep training but she will help establish healthy sleep routines for your baby in those early weeks. Establishing healthy sleep routines early on will lay the foundation to sleeping well at night and pave the way for sleep training when baby is developmentally ready.

During night shifts Kirsten provides nursing or pumping support, bottle feeding, bottle and pump part sanitization, meal preparation (while baby sleeps), baby laundry, emotional support and answers questions about the postpartum period or infant care.


Singleton - $65.00 per hour

Twins - $75.00 per hour

Awake care - $85.00 per hour for Singleton and $100.00 per hour for Twins


Postpartum Chef

Nutrition during postpartum is vitally important to the birthing person’s wellbeing and healing. So many vital nutrient stores are depleted during pregnancy and birth. Optimum nutrition during postpartum supports healing and the increased caloric needs for lactating parents.

Kirsten has created a specially formulated menu for her postpartum clients. It is divided into 6 weeks and focuses on the unique needs of each week in the postpartum period.

Kirsten has partnered with Chef Sawyer Loveall of Loveall Craft Foods to offer postpartum meal delivery packages! Please check out the Meal Support page on this website for more information!